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To download and install MSNR software, click Install Now.

RCN Explorer (Private Alpha)

Download times:
Dialup: Minimum=44 mins; Typical=4 hours
Highspeed: Minimum=5 mins; Typical=21 mins

Note: Download time will vary according to features installed and connection speed.

System requirements and recommendations

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, or Windows Millenium Edition, or Windows 98
  • Windows-compatible computer with 500-MHz or faster processor.
  • 128 MB or more of RAM
  • Up to 320 MB of hard disk space during installation and up to 180 MB after installation.
  • 28.8-Kbps or faster modem or other existing Internet connection (Broadband service requires available USB or Ethernet port on the main computer, not on a hub or serial connection through other devices.)
  • 256-color VGA or higher resolution graphics card
  • CD drive (if installing from CD)

  • 800-MHz or faster processor
  • 256 MB or more of RAM
  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
  • SVGA or higher resolution graphics card
  • 800 x 600 screen resolution
  • 16-bit sound card and speakers

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0 86;
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Client = False
PC = False
OC = False
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